Summer Solstice Alchemy is very powerful. This is an auspicious time to “fire your dreams”. The sun is at its zenith so it’s an opportunity to solidify and stabilize what we’ve “planted” in the spring. Plants are bearing fruit, using the long days to set fruits. This time can also be likened to the final firing of pottery-which makes it strong, solid and long-lasting.
Note: you can make this as complex or simple as you like. Find what is #JustRight for you!
Pick a time and place to do the alchemy
Time: determine the time/date of the Solstice where you will do your Alchemy. (google “Solstice Time” or go here). The most powerful time is high noon preceding the actual time of the Solstice. Second best is any time before the actual moment of Solstice.
Where? It’s best in nature, where you can see into the distance, where you can be un-disturbed. Or your meditation chair. Follow your heart.
What will you “Fire”? It could be a project you launched in the spring. It could be a partnership that’s ready to go to the next level. It could be your heart’s desire. It could be support for ______. Anything you want to stabilize and solidify.
Gather your journal, perhaps a gift (like some sage)
The SoulPath Alchemy™ Summer Solstice Formula
-Create a safe and sacred space. Use your personal invocation (or this universal one) to establish your connection, ground and create a safe container for transformation. Ask the local nature spirits and Devas to join with you in firing _______.
Universal Invocation:
I affirm the oneness of All that Is.
I surround myself with Love and Light.
I call in my HigherSelf and Angelic helpers to create a safe and sacred space.
In the highest good of all.
So it is!
-Imagine your core column of light connecting your chakras, expanding all the way from the heart of earth to the heart of source. Now ask your HigherSelf and the cosmic energies of the Solstice to fire the energy of _____ in your reality.
-Take a moment, or a few minutes. Wait for it. Allow yourself to FEEL it.
-Now from this place, ask yourself what you need, what would be helpful, what the next steps are.
Grab your journal and doodle or write the answer(s). Record your experience. Express Gratitude. Drink water. Watch your dreams.
P.S. For the other seasons of the year, you might like: