I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about the HigherSelf. What is it? What does it do? The HigherSelf is that part of you that sees a broader perspective.
In order to answer that question, we have to start with common language about our nature at a Soul level. In my cosmology, we are all souls with multiple incarnations in multiple dimensions at multiple times. Some say it all happens simultaneously; but we’ll save that question for another blog!
As a soul, we decide to incarnate in a physical body on planet earth. At that time, as a soul, we set intentions. This might be a curiosity to see what it’s like to live in Bhutan, a desire to understand why humans treat each other badly; even to understand greed, limitation, living with a disease. Or, you might decide to create a lifetime where you share your mastery at relationships. You get the idea.
The HigherSelf is that part of you that sees a broader perspective. It is kind of a messenger between your Soul and your physical being. Often when we show up in a body, we forget why we came here. We forget who we really are. Your HigherSelf is your bridge to that remembering.
Your HigherSelf is that part of you that knows your skills, your talents and abilities and can see beyond the day-to-day. Oftentimes the guidance I get from my HigherSelf makes complete sense right away. (“I can’t believe I couldn’t see that!”). Sometimes it takes a bit of unfolding of circumstances until it makes sense. But I can say for sure that if I am clearly hearing my HigherSelf, the guidance has never steered me wrong. But on the other hand, if my “hearing” is influenced by early programming, the expectations of a parent, worrying that someone won’t like me, my Inner Critic’s desire to “protect” me or my inner child’s need for security, I’m not likely to be getting a clear message.
Take it deeper:
If you want to take this deeper, I suggest this: find a quiet place where you can focus just on you. Take a moment to remember some times when you felt really guided. Really “you”. Those are very likely to be times when you were clearly connecting with your HigherSelf.
In our HigherSelf~Spirit Guides courses, we unpack this. We create a reliable and clear connection so that we can discern between true guidance and chatter. We practice, in the context of the group synergy, getting guidance on ever-deeper matters, until we can trust the difference.
Further explorations into the HigherSelf:
- The HigherSelf~Spirit Guides Program
- Blogpost: Wait! Install your HigherSelf as your Gatekeeper.
- Looking for a safe and sacred space to explore your HigherSelf? Join The Cosmic Tea Room! (go to this link and answer 3 simple questions and we’ll open the door for you)
Love and Light,