One of the most important things a human can experience is the feeling that “they get me!”.
I hear this over and over: the angst that is created when we aren’t understood, and the elation when we are.
So what’s a human to do? If you are living a life that isn’t quite mainstream, it’s particularly important to surround yourself with people who are at least accepting of you. And optimally, where you are free to fully express.
“It’s such a relief to be able to talk openly about ‘this stuff’!”
This has been my mission for years: to create the safe container for fully expressing yourself; for being yourself. For years, QuietStar (our Center in San Luis Obispo, CA) held weekly gatherings. People came together at “The Vortex” to be with like-hearted people. They shared their dreams, their vision and their unusual/spiritual experiences.
After the Center was done, we worked in the etheric realm. But this was a little challenging for people to consciously access. The Guides began to show me the “Web of Light”.
Now, we are building a ClubHouse, using Zoom and Facebook groups. As I work on this, I’m having memories of the Mickey Mouse Club. At the young age of 2 or 3, I began synching up with that clubhouse via the TV. I loved it. My mom says I was singing the theme song before I could really talk! It ). I’ve been thinking a lot about how I felt like I belonged, even though it was never in person; it was one-way (remember TV, before the internet?!) Today we have the option of Zoom to connect; we can see each other, we can share, we are all there live.
I hope that you find your way to our ClubHouse if it resonates for you. Like the Facebook page here
Sign up for the next Web of Light here
I’m gonna go ahead and sign up, but I’m really reluctant because I’m so bad when it comes to organize groups. I’m not shy but I’m just really reserved and don’t like to open myself up very much for judgment. Thank you.
Hi Paula, I think you are talking about the Web of Light? When we are on live (on Zoom) you can turn off the video camera and/or the microphone any time. Lots of people do that. Let me know if you have any other questions.