Here is a meditation to create a safe connection with the HigherRealms. (See this blog if you’re wondering why you need that).
While gazing at the Radiant Love and Light Glyph™, take a moment to center yourself. Feel your connection to the earth. Take a few deep breaths, feeling the expansion of your chest. Imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature. A place you’ve been or can imagine. Feel the warmth of the sun. As you take the next breath, notice the air moving in and out of your body. Imagine the sound of a creek or the gentle crashing of waves on the shore. Feel the beating of your heart. Know that you are surrounded by grids of Love and Light.
Use an invocation: If you already have an invocation or a mantra, use that. If not, try this: “I am surrounded by light; connected to the grids of love that surround the planet. And I know that all that occurs is in the highest good of all.”
Focus your attention on a spot about 4 inches above the crown of your head. This represents your HigherSelf. Ask for your HigherSelf to come closer; to guide you. To show you more of who you really are.
Next, create this gentle request: “I ask that you install yourself as my gatekeeper; to allow in only the energies of the highest vibration that represent love and light.” Take a moment to bask in the energy.
In conclusion, record your experience in a journal, with a drawing or just in your heart. Regular practice will deepen your experience and bring you closer to your HigherSelf.
If you are looking for a deeper experience or to develop your spiritual gifts, check out our HigherSelf~Spirit Guides courses. You’ll be glad you did!
Love and Light,