People have been asking me about my process as I create my art. So here it is…
My art is intuitive. Rather than trying to put a “realistic” picture on canvas, I start from a feeling or an energy pattern. My paintings/photographs/mixed media pieces are SoulPath Alchemy Glyphs™…. each designed as an energy template to help you align with and manifest your Soul’s deepest longings; your life mission.
The work has evolved over the years. Formerly a sound and energy healer, I would create little mandalas on paper for clients and students to take home with them, to ground and re-inforce the changes and new intentions.
Over time, these evolved into paintings, collages, cards and more.
Each piece starts with a feeling. Sometimes I see shapes and colors in my mind. Sometimes the materials (paint, paper, stamp, found objects) call me. As I work, I feel the transmutation as a variety of energies surge through me.
I am guided through the process. Starting from a feeling I am experiencing or a situation in the world that I am aware of, I paint the first layer. Then sit in meditation, and wait for the nod to start the second layer. And so on. These are transformative in nature; shifting the energy generally from a lower frequency (vibration) to a higher one. As I work to transform “negative” or “lower” energies, I can feel the shifts radiate out into the Universe. At times, I receive additional downloads of sound, words or suggestions, and record those through the appropriate media. Some pieces come directly from my Guides and the Ascended Masters. In a meditative state, I receive energetic downloads. As I translate into form, color and texture, additional guidance is received.
SoulPath Alchemy Glyphs™ ( are energetic templates created specifically for a particular person, business or place. Although these are sometimes simpler symbols created with pastels or markers, some take weeks or months to bring into form. Each piece is created for someone (although I usually do not know who), and it’s really fun to see what happens when the “owner” shows up.