I recently wrote some FAQ’s for the website, and thought I’d share this in a blog. Hope you enjoy a little “back-story”!
Q: Who is the Spirit of QuietStar?
A: The Spirit of QuietStar is a group of unconditionally loving beings who offer their love and support to humans desiring to fully express their SoulPath with love, bliss and peace in the Highest Good of All. They express through Elaina Geltner, via words, sound, energy, love and light. The Group as a whole is the inspiration for the Web of Light gatherings.
There are multiple expressions (beings) in this group; and each has a specialty. Narayana is the inspiration for courses and the 1-to-1 sessions that Elaina offers. Sacred Waters is the first being that ever came through Elaina, and her specialty is Women/Goddess work, focused in ceremonial, alchemical work. Thor might show up when there is a need for a strong, male energy (think Vikings….). Other aspects of the Spirit of QuietStar work behind the scenes.
Q: How does the Spirit of QuietStar work through Elaina?
A: Elaina has always been sensitive to the unseen realms. As a child she could feel and hear things that the adults around her couldn’t. As time went on, she was blessed to have adults in her life who recognized her gifts and assisted her to develop them. While training in psychology and counseling, people kept saying “How did you know that?” until it became obvious that there was a lot more available to her beyond the physical world.
Since then, she’s been cultivating the ability to be “a clear and open channel for the Light”. The Spirit of QuietStar made themselves known through writing, meditation and her training to be a channel for energy, sound, wisdom and Light. When Elaina desires connection with them, she cultivates a specific altered state of consciousness that allows her to reach into the higher dimensions. Through the relationship they have developed, the Spirit of QuietStar is able to reach “down” and connect. They offer blocks of energy and Light. Elaina uses her highly calibrated system to translate this into words, energy, and sound that other humans can perceive and receive. See also “About” page
Q: I’ve heard that you can get into trouble connecting with dis-embodied beings. How do I stay safe?
A: Training, training, boundaries, intention. Many people throw open their crown chakra and invite in “Spirit”. This is not recommended. When you are working in our groups or 1-to-1 appointments, Elaina and the Guides set up strong grids of support, protection and love and create clear intentions by inviting in only the highest beings of love and light. In our courses, each student creates a personal invocation that establishes the HigherSelf as a gatekeeper. Please use great care. It’s much safer to connect with your HigherSelf if you are new to “this”.
Q: How can I experience this wisdom?
A: Read the blogs, schedule a session, come to a class or event. Check out the “Work with Me” page here
Have more questions about SoulPath Alchemy? Visit the course info page for more FAQ’s