“She had the soul of a Gypsy, the heart of a Hippie and the spirit of a Fairy”. Oooh, I love this! I want people saying that about me. Every day I feel like I’m peeling away even more of what isn’t me. Maybe it used to be me…but oh, how I have transformed!
So when I came upon this quote: “She had the soul of a Gypsy, the heart of a Hippie and the spirit of a Fairy”, I had a visceral reaction: my body woke up, my heart opened, and I had this feeling of stumbling upon my tribe. I’m always looking for validation that someone out there “gets me”.
I know, you’d think now that I am a woman of a certain age I’d be over that. But it turns out I’m not! And as I peel away more and more layers of what others expected me to be, I go through periods of feeling like I’m so different. Since my SoulPath is about connecting deeply, it creates a bit of insecurity. Then I find a quote like that and I get really excited. I’m sure they wrote it just about me!
By the way, you can find t-shirts and sweatshirts at https://OmandAh.com/. Now why didn’t I think of that company name first?!?!
Here’s to finding your tribe, and knowing you are it!

Love and Light,