Did you know that we created the first HigherSelf~Spirit Guides Course in Lanikai, Hawaii (Oahu) in 1990?
Here’s the short story from the previous blog:
In co-creation with Spirit, we came up with concepts, questions, meditations and exercises for the class. We were so delighted when they worked! People found a deep connection to their HigherSelf and were able to access guidance directly. Probably my favorite part was all the love we felt as we called in the HigherSelves of everyone in the group! The love was palpable ~ you could feel this circle of unconditional love surrounding the group. I could “see” the vibration in the room rising higher and higher. After the foundation was set with clear HigherSelf connections and the presence of the Angels, we invited in the Spirit Guides. I still remember the party I could see “them” having. They were so excited that “their humans” could now experience them directly!
As I re-read that blog from 2013, I find myself musing about another part of the origin story: I spent over 30 years hunting for a system that would work for me. I explored everything I could find: spiritual traditions, shamanism, channeling, and so much more. I found many paths to Spirit, healing and consciousness that resonated. I was blessed to gather tools, teaching and concepts that were truly amazing. But each “system” left me wondering when I would find one that encompassed all the levels of energy and consciousness that I experienced.
Alas, that never happened! In the early part of the 21st century, I began to receive downloads about a system that wanted to organize itself through me. The Guides showed me an umbrella, and told me my work was to assist those desiring to become “a clear and open channel for the Light”. Under this umbrella was a safe and sacred space for journeyers to cultivate their unique SoulPath Vibration™. First called SoulPath Alignment, the energy refined to become SoulPath Alchemy. In collaboration with the Spirit of QuietStar, we continue to grow and evolve this work dedicated to the highest good of all.
The 2021 update
Fast forward to 2021; 31 years later. We are teaching exclusively online, Barbara Steinberg is co-facilitating, and we’ve added one of my favorite components ever: CollageAlchemy™. I still consider this Course to be one of the greatest gifts I have been given to share. I am honored to be part of this process with every class that comes together. Each group is always so different! I can’t wait to see what the next one is like.
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Love and Light,