It is possible to BeFriend the inner critic! I love this tool. It’s saved me lots of angst over the years. I’d like to share a recent “incidence” and what happened; My Inner Critic is having a re-surgence!
From my Journal: “I’m feeling discouraged. I’ve been posting my Glyphs for #the100DayProject and the interactions have been really fun. But over the last few days, I noticed there are less comments.
I created my glyph of the day, and then heard “BeFriend the Inner Critic” as the purpose of the Glyph.”
Of course, I have a tool for that! It’s always so helpful to use the tools I teach in my classes and sessions, but easy to forget when I’m in the thick of it (duh!!). It worked really well, so I thought I’d share the process:
BeFriend Your Inner Critic Alchemy
- Use the “BeFriend the Inner Critic” Glyph
- Listen: what is it saying
- Thank it for sharing
- Ask: “What do you want; what are you really trying to do for me?”
- Listen and thank it
- Work together to create a more effective strategy
Here’s our dialog. (Unedited; see notes at the bottom)
InnerCritic: Don’t make a fool of yourself. You need to make these glyphs more interesting. No one cares about them. They’re not very profound. They’re not very good either; not your best work.
Me: thank you for sharing. I appreciate you wanting to help. What do you really want?
InnerCritic: To protect you.
Me: From?
InnerCritic: criticism & feeling stupid & getting hurt
Me. Hmmm. I don’t really want to get hurt. But the intention of this project was to create a practice that I do for 100 days straight. The sharing of them was a bonus. But I’m wondering if you could help me bring more light and energy, cuz when you criticize me, it shuts down the Light.
InnerCritic: oops. Then the glyphs WON’T be useful. I want yo to do things that are useful.
Me: So maybe what you’re really saying is that I was not letting in enough light and love? Or that I could let in more and I’d have more fun?!
Inner Critic: yep. That’s a good way to put it. Ok so my new job is to alert you (kindly!) when there’s more light available than you are receiving?
Me: Thank you. I love when we co-create a solution.
InnerCritic. Me too.
Me: I notice you often pipe up when I start playing it safe by controlling the flow. And I’m happiest when I’m a clear and open channel for the Light! Thank you!
Notes: Because I have been doing this dialoguing for years, my Inner Critic is quick to come around. He’s been in “re-training” for a very long time! If it takes you longer, give yourself a break! And if you are feeling you’d like some additional support, reach out for a 1 to 1 session with me. I’d love to help!
Or, join our monthly Healing Sound Circle online. It’s our gift to assist you in your transformation, and there’s a great community of like-hearted beings there too!
Love and Light,
Other Resources:
Check the SoulPath Alchemy portal where you will find our online courses and other offerings, including free stuff.
Find out more about my Glyphs here