~DoItYourself Energy and Intuition Tools~
I love finding ways to manage my own energy! It’s a great way to practice self-love.
Resources right here on my site:
My You-Tube Channel where you will find Sound Meditations for various purposes.
All of my paintings are actually SoulPath Alignment(tm) glyphs, and are powerful mandalas for shifting energy. They are scattered throughout this site and on my blog.
DIY Ceremonies to create the Life of Your Dreams
- Fall Ceremony guidelines – Elaina Geltner
- Spring Ceremony Guidelines- Elaina Geltner
- Winter Solstice Ceremony Suggestions – Elaina Geltner
Here are some other tools that I use:
Daily Energy Exercise from Donna Eden. Highly recommended! https://youtu.be/Di5Ua44iuXc
DIY Lymphatic Drainage. Great for overall cleansing or allergy/sinus clearing: https://youtu.be/QA-wi0d7-Ro
Skin brushing is a great way to stimulate lymphatics. Video and printout here: https://greensmoothiegirl.com/articles/healthy-habits/skin-brushing/
DIY (really, Do It at Home) Yoga and Meditation classes: https://www.gaia.com/ Monthly subscription service with a trial month for 99cents.
Great ideas to jumpstart your Artsy Journalling: https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-mediums/10-easy-sketchbook-tips/ . I love art journalling cuz it really helps you to bypass the conscious mind, access your intuition and relax!
More Art Journalling prompts: https://www.robenmarie.com/list-prompts-for-journaling
Travel Art Journalling: https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-inspiration/travel-journals-for-artists/