In Soul Path Alchemy™ 1 to 1 sessions, I bring my vast experience in metaphysics, energy, sound, meditation, intuition, and spiritual psychology to create a personalized, multi-dimensional approach to moving into the life you’ve always dreamed of. My Spirit Guides connect with your Guides and HigherSelf.
Developed by Elaina Geltner, SoulPath Alchemy™ is a process of using guided visualization, spiritual counseling, energy work, art, inner dialoguing, journaling, essential oils, and sound to connect with our HigherSelves and Spirit to illuminate our purpose and facilitate its manifestation. We are all here for a reason. Sometimes, even if we know what that is, we feel blocked from its fulfillment.
Schedule DeepDive Package Here Schedule a Single Session Here
Healing Sound bypasses the conscious mind, allowing you to re-orient your life, your choices, your energy field, and your body to be in harmony with who you really are. It is deeply relaxing and nourishing to body, mind, and spirit. May include singing bowls, voice, chakra clearing, energy balancing.
Spiritual (Life) Counseling helps connect you with your HigherSelf, the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, and your Spiritual Guides to receive information and inspiration.
Our SoulPath Alchemy Facilitator
Elaina Geltner has over 45 years of experience in the fields of transpersonal psychology, Spirit contact, intuitive coaching, and teaching.
- Channeling The Spirit of QuietStar (their bio).
- Connect with your HigherSelf and your Spirit Guides
- Help you identify and develop your unique spiritual gifts
- Hold a safe and sacred space for your transformation
- Support Highly Sensitive Empaths to see their sensitivities as gifts (not liabilities)
- Have a sense of humor combined with a desire for practical spirituality

Elaina Geltner: creator of SoulPath Alchemy™, sound channel, energy detective, intermediary with the HigherRealms, 7 Cups of Consciousness Practitioner (certified by Aleya Dao).
Work with Elaina if you desire to:
•Find and shift energy blocks
•Increase your knowledge of the Law of Attraction
•Discover your SoulPath Vibration™
•Transform your inner critic into an ally
•Use sound as a Tool for Transformation
Walk the spiritual path with practical feet.
Focus Areas for your 1 to 1 Transformational Session
Sessions are offered via telephone, Zoom and in person in San Luis Obispo (more info below)
- Explore your SoulPath Vibration™
- Identify strategies to help you thrive as a Highly Sensitive Empath
- Repair and upgrade your grounding system
- Balance your energy fields and gain clarity about where energy is trying to flow through you
- Opening to your spiritual gifts (intuition, sensing energy, creativity)
- Check-in with your Spirit guides and develop or deepen the connection to your HigherSelf
- Relaxation, Rejuvenation, Re-calibration
- Developing relationships and practices that support your evolution
- Letting go; clean and clear your chakras of debris
- Do an energetic tune-up to shift situations from the past that are blocking your energy field
- Discern what’s the next step for you
Schedule DeepDive Package Here Schedule a Single Session Here
DeepDive Package:
If you are a first-time client, I suggest you book a DeepDive package. We have learned that you will get the most out of our time together if you have the opportunity to attune to this work with this 3 session package.
The DeepDive Package is a great choice if you’re ready for transformation. We start with a 90-minute session to look at where you’re at and where you want to go. You’ll receive LightWork (aka home practice) to create new energetic habits. In follow-up sessions, we look at what has shifted for you and what to do next.
The DeepDive package includes 3 sessions. The first is approximately 90 minutes long. Follow-ups are 45-60 minutes. Investment; $407 (save $100+ over individually-booked session price).
1 to 1 Single Sessions:
- 30-minute session: choose one Focus area to explore $92
- 60-minute session: choose one Focus area to cover in detail or explore 2-3 Focus areas $155
- 90-minute session: choose one Focus area to cover in-depth or explore 2+ Focus areas $209
Schedule DeepDive Package Here Schedule a Single Session Here